Make Happy

It’s not really that hard to make someone happy
You don’t have to buy them bison ice cream cones
or shoot a buffalo from a moving truck but when you look
at them and say
‘Hey, you! You are a baby and for lunch you are an envelope
you are a nut and hello
you are an unemployed antelope
you are a nut and hello.’

they may get the wrong idea
No big whoop
How much does it cost
To make someone happy?

Next line
Next Space

If you give them something their nudes could nude use
Did you choose?
Face the music
Did ever anyone, person or not, hand you on empty box?

Brother fly is buzzing, trapped between shade and the window
My Bibles are sitting on the stereo
A wedding will take place today
There is a young lady
All of my life
Who could make me happy
But I’d never be as happy as I should

Today, however, I am happier
The light of the world Is calling me out of this place
I am lying on the bed
Brother fly is trapped between the blinds and the window
Today I am the photographer
My job is to capture images
It makes people happy

As In the Days Beyond These Modern Days

Late summer sky filled with the call of jet turbines
The war, they say, is getting ready to escalate
5:55 is rush hour for the International airport crowd
All the timepieces synchronized by a radio talk show
Scheduling is getting a bit more tight
Only so many hours in a day
On top of that,
To top it off,
You’ve got your bank holidays
Dotting the calendar like those fine pearls
Or the finest gold from Ophir
The atheists have started buying billboards
Which is quite an accomplishment
For people who don’t believe in anything
Other than their selves
While the rest of the world is flabbergasted
By the lengths some peoples children will go
To make their mark on society